ANZAC Animals: 20 Animal Friends from WW1 and WW2 — Edify Award for Best Educational Book 2019 FINALIST

Edify Award for Best Educational Book 2019


Anzac Animals front covers

Designers: Vida & Luke Kelly Design
Title: ANZAC Animals: 20 Animal Friends from WW1 and WW2
Publisher: Scholastic NZ
Format: 280 x 215mm, 64pp, hardback.
Typography: Fairfield Light 11.5/15pt.


Judges’ comments: “The design evokes the historic feel of the subject, with the use of leather & stitching details. There is a consistent structure of information. The sidebars, icons for identification, and the maps are clear and informative. The illustrations of the animals are strong, realistic, and well researched. The choice of a lighter weight for the serif body font does make it a little hard on the eyes on the textured backgrounds and the bells and whistles of the design makes for a visually busy book.”

“It’s sturdy, consistent visually throughout, and a practical book.”

“Consistent, age-appropriate representation of content. Nice embossed detail on cover, however, the stock selection felt too glossy and disconnected from content and illustration style.”

“The job of the designer here is to allow the hero illustrations as much prominence as possible. Something that is achieved very well. The debossed images and texture that it brings to the cover are not a personal preference but do probably intrigue young readers fingers. They probably get a sense of windows into the past.”


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