Helper and Helper — Scholastic New Zealand Award for Best Children’s Book 2018 FINALIST

Scholastic New Zealand Award
for Best Children’s Book 2018


Helper and Helper cover

Designer: Vida Kelly
Title: Helper and Helper
Publisher: Gecko Press
Format: 198 x 128mm, 128pp, hardback with jacket.
Typography: Main text: Berkley Old Style 12.5/18pt. Titles and title page hand lettered by Gavin Bishop. The text followed the light and airy style of previous books. Initial caps weaved into the illustrations. Title text tied in with the style of the illustration and the words written on the sign.

Judges’ Comments: Here the designer gives the illustrations and target audience reader very clear respect. Type setting is generous to both as well. Subdued colours conjure distant volumes of Aesop’s fables and really well designed end papers. The morepork in particular catches your eye as you open up the book!


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