Homecooked: Seasonal recipes for every day — 1010 Printing Award for Best Cookbook 2022 WINNER

1010 Printing Award for Best Cookbook 2022


Cat Taylor with photography and styling by Caroline Robertson. Original cover art developed in collaboration with illustrator Evie Kemp.

Title: Homecooked: Seasonal recipes for every day
Publisher: Penguin Random House NZ
Format: 260 x 210mm, 320pp. Three piece case with quarter binding. Wibalin fine linen to case, deboss to case, silk screen foil to cloth spine, H&T bands, text 140gsm WF FSC, grosgrain ribbon, quarter binding on JHT cloth, offset 40mm to front and 100mm to back.

Typography: Internals: Gilroy, Quincy, varying sizes and weights according to hierarchy of text
Cover: Gilroy, Quincy, varying sizes and weights according to hierarchy of text

Judges' comments Homecooked is for everyone – and this cookbook makes it possible for cooks of all levels of competence to produce dishes dictated by what’s in season. To facilitate this, food writer Lucy Corry and designer Cat Taylor break down the produce in season, and lay it out on a simple workable grid using type (Gilroy and Quincy for headers and body text) of a decent point size that aids legibility. Mercifully, there is no recipe copy reversed out from a darker background.

For ease of navigation, each season is delineated by a colour. On the edge of each page is a 2 mm band, which creates a right-hand book edge of colour bands that tells you what season you're in. Photographer and stylist Caroline Robertson’s beautifully crafted food photographs are stunning and appealing, using minimum props to avoid distraction and background that aids to showcase the food. Food is the hero.

The cover of Homecooked is a triumph – and a departure from the usual use of a food photograph. Developed with illustrator Evie Kemp, the cover artwork is a three piece case with quarter binding and embossing on the cover illustration and book  name. The end effect is appealing and eye-catching. It has to be applauded.

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