The Brilliance of Birds — Allen & Unwin Award for Best Commercial Book for Adults 2020 FINALIST

Allen & Unwin Award
for Best Commercial Book for Adults 2020


Designers: Cat Taylor and Rachel Clark
Title: The Brilliance of Birds
Publisher: Penguin Random House NZ
Format: 190 x 223mm, 384pp, section sewn, hardback, head and tail bands, foil and debossed type on cover.

Typography: Fonts: Galaxie Copernicus Book 8.75/13.5 pt, Amerigo BT Bold 62/51 pt, Neue Haas Grotesk Bold 19/25 pt

Judges’ comments A successful publication. Some interesting typographic choices matched to the beautiful images all held together with a strong grid. The title pages throughout could have benefitted from a little more crafting bothing in terms of the typography and the layout.

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