The Camping Cook Book — 1010 Printing Award for Best Cookbook 2020 FINALIST

1010 Printing Award for Best Cookbook 2020


Designers: Andrea Lo Vetere and Sara Mutande
Title: The Camping Cook Book
Publisher: Beatnik Publishing
Format: 134 x 190mm, 103pp, hardcover. The hardcover, featuring orange screen print embossed on a blue background, creates a crafty look and feel that reminds of classic Kiwi recipe books with a modern twist.
Typography: Headlines: Bookmania Semibold Italic
Subheadlines: ITC Franklion Gothic Demi
Body copy: Neue Kabel Book

The typographic choice is inspired by typefaces popular in the 70s and
80s: a swirly ITC Bookman is paired to Franklin Gothic and Kabel also
from ITC. The layout, based on Jan Tschichold’s canon, features wide outer
margins, in order to leave space for the thumbs and facilitate the reading.

Judges’ comments A fun concept. The final book, delivered in a small, compact hard-back format is practical to take camping but still functional and easy to read and use. The illustrated recipes and typography are easy to follow and provide a nice counterpoint to mainstream photographic cookbooks. It feels like the perfect gift for those that love camping and good food.

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