Annual 3 — Scholastic New Zealand Award for Best Children’s Book 2023 FINALIST

Scholastic New Zealand Award
for Best Children’s Book 2023


Designer: Marcus Thomas, cover illustrator Ross Murray

Title: Annual 3
Publisher: Annual Ink
Format: 260 x 193mm, 156pp, case bound, section sewn in 16 pp, separate ends, fully cased with PLC over board, H & T Bands.
Typography: Headings: Gotham bold.
Body text: Adobe Garamond Pro regular. Around these type families over 20 other individual typefaces are used to assert the individuality of each piece or create typographical continuity across reoccurring forms such as Art and Poetry.  20% of the total content uses  handwritten text for headings and/or body text.

"This was a challenging book to design. Content from sixty authors, illustrators, and photographers across multiple forms (essays, comics, poems, songs, recipes, flash, nonfiction, etc.) had to cohabitate in a way that drew attention to the unique personality of each piece yet didn’t result in a discordant hash. Other design considerations included the notion of the book being a collectable publication that paid tribute to the talent of our writers, illustrators, and photographers, and the fact the book is the third in a series."

Judges’ comments This book tackles the mammoth task of combining the work of 60 authors and illustrators with care, imagination and style. Uniformed fonts aid this task, with hand-drawn surprises throughout. This book captures the nostalgia of the school journal for a new audience, busy pages sit next to sections that breathe, there is something new to find on every viewing. This book is a satisfying addition to the Annual series.

What an inventive visual feast! This book combines illustration and type in inventive and exciting ways to create an enthusiastic visual feast that will surely excite any child. It combines a sense of nostalgia with new angles and energy that will attract parents as well as their kids.


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